Tuesday, January 11, 2005

It's raining men ...

Well not quite in Carlisle, but jeeeez how much rain does one man want. It doesn't actually bare thinking about, how the rain can just cause so much damage but after the last few weeks who are we to doubt the elements. As I know a few people in Carlisle I emailed them to see hgow things were. Given that I hadn't spoken to them for a while it was good to hear that they were all okay. Unfortunately they know some people who actually lost everything. Not good ... Carlisle floods

We had some rain down Sarf last night but not too much, there was some wind as well ... but I didnt think it was that bad. That was until I picked up the paper this morning to see, well what could only be described as the end of an era. The old Lime Tree down in Canterbury, the one in the cricket ground has been blown down. Can you believe it ... 150 years of history ... the felled tree

Well the stiffs took one hell of a beating last night off of the Palarse. Four nil it was, oh well I think I can let them have that one.

A point of note, why do people who are walking down the stairs just suddenly stop then turn and try to come straight back up. This is during rush hour when the stairs are loaded and there are clearly defined rules, yes rules of thumb to what one must do. You should walk to the top then come down on the correct side. Am I asking just a bit too much?

It's just started raining here, time to buckle down the hatches ...

My tune of the day: Big Mistake - Alexander Hope


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