Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Rooney, Schmoony, Looney ...

Well they couldn't have written the script better, could they? Even seeing that smug mug Eamon Holmes on TV this morning brought it on home. He was saying how sorry he was for Evertonians!!! Yeah right. Luckily we haven't had to sit there and watch our Scott do anything at Chelski. He hasn't played a game. Well he did get on as a substitute in one game ... but he doesn't play. From the fringes of the England squad to a has been in 6 easy months, quality mansion though Scotty.

More importantly the Romm scored his first Charlton reserve team goal last night. So he should be ready and waiting to step up at the Library on Saturday, right !!!! Well it ain't gonna happen is it. We'll pack the midfield and sit back allowing the Arse to have all the play. How do I know that? Well I've been to the same game for the last 3 seasons. All for £33 ... oh how I live.

I bought a new swing bin last night. I went to John Lewis to get some black dye and saw a bright pink bin. Now that was me I thought, so went right ahead. I then had the great task of carting it home on the train. Some people are jerks ... !!!!

Right, the Labour Party conference. It's all going down the swanny but somethings I don't get. There was one protest by the dad of a military policeman murdered in Iraq. Murdered was the wording used but wasn't it a war? The chaps son was killed back in June doing his duty. The dad wanted to talk to Tony Blair because he had felt that the brave soldiers were betrayed by their country and he wanted an apology. Can I ask this? How does a soldier become brave ...? If we take away war, guns, bullets, bombs ... could a soldier be brave? Would there be any soldiers? If I went to a careers councillor and was offered the chance of being in the army or an accountant which one would make me feel as though I might get killed doing my job. Answer me that one Rav? Just a few thoughts really ...

My tune of the day: Love's Gonna Get You - Jocelyn Brown


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