Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Bye, bye ...

Tiger Tim ... it seems like our boy took one hell of a beating!!! Unless a miracle happened, poor ol' Tiger is getting mullard (is that how you spell it??). There's always next year!!!

I did a body combat class at the gym today, what's that all about.

I've just been sent a pic from the Southport Weekender site. It's me in my finest on the Saturday night. I thought I'd share it with you ...

I walked from London Bridge today, due to the Tube strike. There are some miserable bleeders about, blimey.

(Hang on, I've just seen some muppet praying whilst Tim serves to stay in the match ... I ask ya.]

Talking about miserable bleeders, I got some of that Kabbalah red string. To ward off the evil eye ... and be happy within myself. Let's see if it works ...

My tune of the day:Dreams - Lady Alma Project


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