Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Whoops there it is ... !!!

Sorry, I've just eaten a big bowl of strawberries and cream. I did say this morning that I would lay off the cream, but I couldn't resist. It's not big and it's not clever ... but it's so scrummmmmy .....

I went to the gym at lunch time. Maybe the hottest day of the year and I was Spinning for all I was worth. I don't usually sweat, I perspire ... but when I had finished it was like I had been swimming. I then followed that class up with the FAB class. (It's Fabulous Abs and Bums for all the uninitiated.) That's why I've just had the strawberries ... comfort.

I'm still reading of all the disturbances throughout England following that penalty. However I do think they were dancing on the streets of Raith!!!!

Just a quick point, does anyone know where my forum is? Since I set the new one up NO ONE has posted a thing. Blimey, come on people let me know what you think, OH MAYBE NOT.

I've just read about the Alexander Technique (AT) ... the secret to a great posture. Hmmmm ... maybe I should look into this.

My tune of the day: Flying High - Byron Stingley


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