Wednesday, April 20, 2005

One of them days ...

I've not had a day off work sick for well ... er, years. But I woke up this morning with the worst headache I've had in ... er, well years. I hadn't been drinking, or staying out late ... it's not good. I think I need to go and get my eyes tested, I've been squinting a lot recently.

I went back to bed for a few hours but I'm in the office now ... I am a martyr!!!

I had a couple of strange experiences on the way to work though. I popped in the off license to get another box of nurofen. There was a bloke in their arguing about the prices of Lucozade. He was moaning that some of the bottles had been pre marked with 69 pence and some were marked by the shop at 59 pence. He said that all the bottles should be 69 pence. The shop keeper was arguing that he was doing some at a special price, he could have marked all the bottles at 69 pence or maybe even a pound. The bloke didn't get it, even stating that ...

"you're making the prices up as ya go along ...!!!"

Well isn't that the Shop Keepers prerogative? Can't he make prices up as he goes along. Isn't it then down to the individual to pay it or not?

At the train station there was a woman trying to get the free Homes and Properties magazine (the one that comes free with the evening Standard) off of the newsagent. He was saying that he can't just give it away as the standard had just been delivered, but she could have one later on in the evening. She didn't get it ... she couldn't work out what the difference was. She should have just paid the 40 pence ...

My tune of the day: Sir Duke - Stevie Wonder


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