Wednesday, April 13, 2005

For phat think fat ...

Or so they would have us believe in the Sun this morning

I hope my Bum looks big in this!!

Now pardon me. They are banging on about women striving for smaller bottoms, but having to follow fashion by wearing bum-boosting pants. Yea, yea ... I see what you are saying. If the fashionista would bother to get my train every morning they would realise that far from needing bum boosters some, no most of these women need to go on a diet or join me at Legs, bums and tums. You can carry a Louis Vuitton bag all you want, it doesn't mean your ass is any smaller. We then have some Electrician telling us that he likes girls with little pert bums. He quotes Kylie as an example. Well we have Kev on the case here. Kylie is like a doll. She's about 4 foot tall with no curves. Her bum is like a little boys bum, so there you go Kev and his electrician friend like little boys bums. J-Los is too big ... hmmm ... yep and Charlton are going to qualify for Europe.

I watched a programme on BBC2 last night about Chuck D and Public Enemy. Now it's actually good to see a programme like this on Auntie. Why, for no other reason than it just is!!!

There's even more football on tonight ... sod Chelsea and sod Liverpool and aren't Charlton still twined with Inter ... you can stuff that.

My tune of the day: Just A Breath Away - Nadirah Shakoor


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