Thursday, October 07, 2004

Young gifted and black ...

No not me, but I could be described as that ... in my humble opinion ... but it was playing over a news article about Black History month that I saw last night. Black history month, now that will send a few shudders down a few spines. What's the point, why do we need it, it's a waste of resources? I've heard it all before ... it's quite disappointing that people think that there shouldn't be an interest in the history of Black people in this country. It's actually part of my make up, so why shouldn't I take an interest?

The England squad were all photographed wearing those "Let's kick racism out of football" teeshirts yesterday. Another cheap marketing ploy? Maybe!! But it's still a major problem if you read what the Spanish National coach, Luis Aragones said to Jose Reyes. It's about Thierry Henry, and I'll let you work it out yourself.

I watched the MOBO's on BBC Tv last night. Am I getting old? Some of those acts, I ask you. I thought Mos Def did a great job in presenting the show, but I'm sure most people weren't down with his actual performance. I loved it, it's more cutting edge than most rapping. Estelle though I don't get, Most Promising newcomer ... yep if you say so.

News in ... Unilever are shutting their Birds Eye frozen food plant in Grimsby next year with the loss of 600 jobs. Seems like there will be trouble on the streets of Grimsby ...

My tune of the day: Jesus Walks - Kayne West


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