Friday, October 22, 2004

Alien vs Predator ...

Or should that be JJ vs Lisbie? And maybe Franny can play the Scouse version of Alfie. Ok, maybe not ... I was just running with it.

I'm still thinking over the Cowboy boot issue. Although it's nice to know that Chicago Addick would like to be a bit more like me on the music front. I would say that it's one of my vices. I leave home and put my mp3 on, I get to the office and bang the music straight on. Maybe a bit of Blaze, a mix by Kravit, some Al Green ... or even some slushy Luther. You know where I'm coming from all you romantics out there.

The debates just got going about our Centenary celebrations. Inspector Sands did a good piece about it. But what do you really expect from Charlton? The whole concept that we could have a well run centenary celebration is laughable. It's a closed shop, or superstore if you will. Even up to having the VIP Director on the committee. You remember the VIP Director who runs the Maidstone and the Weald supporters club, who makes sure they have as many tickets as they want, and in reality wants Charlton to move to lock stock and Vinny Jones down to a green belt site off of the A20. Now how ideal would that be? The latest info is that the main branch of the supporters club, you know the one in Charlton, based at the Valley is now being called the Greenwich branch. That's so they all have equal billing. I don't get it myself. There should be one supporters club but local groups if people want to get together to have a beer and a pie. But to give priority for tickets because you know the VIP Director is ... well you know what it is. On another VIP Director issue. Having read the CAFC Website it appears her goal is to raise money to get some gates errected. Hmmmmm ....

So what's the score with old Prince Harry? The young playboy blah, blah ... smacked a photographer, but only in the form of defence, after being hit in the face with a camera. Oh well Goldie looking chain watch out ... there'a a new monster on the block.

I had a bad hair day today!!!! After a year of growing it, I was close to just getting it cut off. A number one all over. Come on what do you think? Should I bite the bullet and just get it done. Then again I could go blonde. You know what they say about blondes!!!!

Anyway, have a good weekend, lets all hope for three points on saturday. Me, Ive got Colin Farrell coming over to SHOOT some pool, oh how funny is that. I must go, I've got to put in my expenses.

My tune of the day: Let The Children Play - Raul Midon


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