Friday, February 13, 2004

It's all in a name ...

It's Valentines day tomorrow, and I'm sure my postman won't need an extra pair of hands. Not that I'm bitter and twisted, it's just that I'm fussy. Damn fussy.

I've just been watching Trisha ... my god, these people have the vote.

On a separate point, I'm reading the paper and some 31 year old American had been "grooming" a 12 year old girl for over a year. He then jetted to the UK and took her to France and Germany. Well I say what the hell were her parents doing???? Strange.

Robbie Williams is 30 today, and they are calling him middle aged. Bloody hell I'd better get out my pipe and slippers.

There's no football tomorrow, we got knocked out of the cup. Remember Gillingham!!!! Well Spotty never played in that game so he can play for the Chelsea at Arse. That's all good then. Well I say come on Patrick, give the muppet a kick.

My tune of the day: Mind Power - James Brown


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