Thursday, March 03, 2005

It's cold outside ...

Ain't it just, but at least the sun is shinning and the sky is blue.

Blimey ...

I was reading something about MMR this morning. I have no pickney so it's not generally something I would be bothered with but it all seems rather strange. Did you know that the original sample survey linking MMR with autism was done using 12 children. TWELVE!!!!! Just look at the panic that it has caused. Now a Japanese study, on over 32,000 children has shown that autism increased when the MMR wasn't used and the children had individual injections.

Well that will be that then ... I doubt it.

Deliagate still rumbles on. She said she wasn't pished ... yep go on girl, you tell it like it is.

My tune of the day: Bad - Michael Jackson


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