Friday, March 11, 2005

Blondes have more fun

Or so they say. Kevin Keegan is grey and he's not having fun. It seems like good old Kev quite on his stool again before he got the boot. A shame really, but not a surprise.

I mentioned blondes because I spent over 3 hours yesterday having my hair bleached. It still suits me ...

So another football free weekend. It's FA Cup weekend and we got knocked out. Luckily enough we don't have to make a trip to Blackburn, but all things being equal we could have had another quality weekend in Blackpool.

Our last Premier league match was way back against Liverpool. It was 1 Feb, and that seems like a lifetime ago, but anyway we have the Spudz on Wednesday and it already looks like one of them matches.

I'm can't get my head around this travellers debate in all the papers at the moment. I'm sure that if they were on my doorstep I'd have the hump, no I'd know I'd have the hump.

I haven't mentioned it, but I've been watching Comic Relief does Fame Academy this week. I don't understand it really. They have some good singers like Edith and Kim, but Reggie ... whoooosh.

My tune of the day: Everything - John M.Steed ft Gary Mudbone Cooper


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