Thursday, September 29, 2005

Wild and wacky

Not me today. I have a stinking cold. Sniffling, coughing, spluttering it's not good. Thinking back I haven't had a cold for over two years. I'm not sure what has changed this year? I may have to spend this weekend with some Cold n'flu and a nightnurse. My PJ's came out last night.

There was a security alert at Canon Street tube this morning and you could see the panic in peoples eye. As the Station guy shouted for everyone to evacuate, there was that split second of blind panic, women and children first my a$$. I hoopped onto a Circle Line train ad got out of dodge.

Old Kerry spotted a big fat woman this morning with her staff pass on, a massive ruck sack and she was walking along reading and she thought of me! It's nice to know I create an impression. I bet the book was Harry Potter!!!!

I watched a Def Jam comedy DVD last night and would say I was disappointed.If anyone has seen the The Original Kings of Comedy then you would realise how good this could or maybe should have been. But it wasn't. It even had Dolomite - Rudy Ray Moore doing the same old routine at the end. Oh well, I'll have enough laughs on Saturday when the Charlton play the Spudz.

I was going to do some housework this weekend ... don't make me laugh.

My tune of the day: Can you see where I'm coming from - Instant Funk


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