Thursday, September 08, 2005

Reality Check...

Yep, back at work and it's as though my holiday never happened. I've been trying to download some of the pics I took, but typically they are not loading up. I'll put them up when I can get the damn thing to work.

I stayed up and watched the England match last night. It surprises me that they get so much critisism!!!! Why? Because they aren't much cop are they? As a team they are, what you may call shite. Individually they have some quality. But please, all the hystrionics ... you'll be saying we'll (notice that Kev) win the Ashes next!!!!

I bought quite a lot of stuff on my hols. Tees, trainers, some jeans. The bag was creaking as I came home. I did get a fantastic Lionel Ritchie Fan Club teeshirt. I'll put a pic of that up soon too.

Thinking back it's been quite a hectic couple of weeks. I had the Metro City Weekender thingy with free drink on the bank holiday Saturday. Then there was the Carnival on the Sunday and the Monday. That was funny. I do actually need a weekend of relaxation. Lie back and watch men watching football tell me how our lot are getting on up in Brum. That should be interesting.

It's funny not having read the papers for over a week, or bothering to check on line. You realise how you don't need to read the Sun for a daily laugh. A reality check indeed.

My tune of the day: Wake up everybody - Teddy Pendergrass


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