Thursday, September 15, 2005

Death of the Metrosexual male ...

Righto, it seems death of the metrosexual male has been greatly exaggerated. Now supposedly we have the ubersexual. Yep, add doing housework and demanding in bed to the mix. It can't be true surely, we still have a way to go to educated the masses. If you have a gym membership, subscribe to a glossy male magazine, like to wear stylish (sometimes loud clothes), use a lot of "products", have a facial (still the best bit of pampering in my book), wear pink, you could be classed as a metrosexual male. If not then you most probably wear Northface, Stone Island, chunky jewelry and or a flat cap. No, that's not a Northern jib, because as Wendal says, even Northerners have the Internet, MTV and style mags. That's better than the Industrial Revolution.

Word on the street is that the Global Economy depends, no demands that men shop as much as women. That men buy these "products", that they like the lesser sex become subservient to advertising.

Just look at Kev, wearing stripy jumpers and drinking rose wine. Who would have thought in a few years back. How the mighty have fallen.

Somewhere out there, there is still the feeling that doing these things is girly. Say Seven, Eight years ago living your life like this would be unimaginable. Just look how Vince now highlights his hear, wears pink, moisturises. But then drinks horrible lager by the bucket load and wouldn't be seen dead near a gym. Sometimes you have to do it, or just leave it.

Talking about doing it or leaving it, I saw something last night that did make me chuckle. I went out for a bit of dinner with the lovely Natasha (she paid ;) and was stood at the bar. Some bloke saunters up and asks for two glasses of champagne. The barman looks at him and says ... "We don't sell champagne by the glass sir, only by the bottle". The bloke takes a step back. He looks worried. He stops, thinks ... "Hmmm he says, give me a second I'll just go and ask". The bloke then trots over to a nearby table and begins to talk to this girl sitting there.Now come on. Per-lease. If you're going to come out with your bo, and do the champagne thing ... either do it or just leave it.

My tune of the day: Saturdays - Alexander Hope


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