Monday, September 19, 2005

It's a flip-flop world ...

Yep I was there as the might of the Russian Army overran one of the smaller non confrontational independent states. They had more guns, bigger tanks, and it appeared that our smaller band of soldiers all had trench foot!!!!

As the second goal hit the back of the net, both myself and Danny Murphy shrugged our shoulders and knew that that was it. The future had been Orange, but now it was truely blue and gold!!!!!! They had killed the beautiful game. Pele would be turning in his grave if he was in one. The King is dead, long live the king.

Yes I know, a load of old bullshite really, but the moment Robben collapsed on the floor, grabbing the ball only for the imbecile in charge to wave play on you knew that that was it. What an excellent player that Robben is. He is quick, flight of feet but somewhere down the line that wasn't enough. He has been coached to fall on the floor at every opportunity. He fell in the box looking for a penalty, fell in the middlke of the park looking for a free kick in fact at every opportunity he fell over. Go on Robben you carry on.

But the one that got me ... the incident when Makelele deliberately impedede Romm as he was away.

Chgelsea you can kiss my ass ...

My tune of the day: Amazing Love - Anane


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