Monday, March 01, 2004

Edu, Edu ... Edu,Edu

You know sometimes words just can't say what you really feel. After five minutes on Sat, well at 3:05 on Sat as I looked over to see all these gloating spotty little herberts I wanted to turn around and go home. Put my tail between my legs and just do one. I didn't. Approximately 85 minutes later when JJ crashed an 18 yard over head against the post I knew that Charlton really were the only club for me!!! I haven't spent the last 30 years suffering just so these johnny come latelies can ride into town and take over what I love. They can't decide that football is de rigor and buy a flask and travel blanked and tell me to 'Siddan'. If I want to stand up I freaking well will. And you can bitch and moan all you like, but I ain't gonna change my ways.

If the supporters club ain't gonna do it, and the VIP Director is more concerned with the Maidstone branch of the supporters club then we have to take back what we had. It is about time REAL Charlton supporters got their club back from the namby pamby, neu riche type of passionless muppets we get now we are in the Prem. It is time that people who want to sing and dance and generally get behind the team are allowed to do so, and not told to be quiet.

Oh, and I got absolutely trollied on Saturday Night. Good work fella ...

My tune of the day: Oliver Kahn - the Charlton faithfull


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