Friday, March 05, 2004

Over land and sea, and LEICESTER!!!!

Well what can I say. All the debate is of footballers being above the law, etc, etc. But isn't this what happens when you pay not very bright guys anything from £5k - £20k a week??? If money is no object don't they, or won't they just do what they want to?? It seems straight forward to me.

Anyway onto more important thangs. I bought a new pair of shoes stroke pumps ... now let me know what you think!!!

Do I need a hat to match???

It's another weekend without football. I may have to watch the egg chasing, or then again carry on with my painting. Decisions, decisions ... or not as the case may be.

I was going to ask why tpeoplele wear overcoats that are too small for their suit jackets that hang down. But I won't ... !!!

Tune of the day: Lapdance - N*E*R*D


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