Thursday, June 22, 2006

Told ya ...

Didn't bother with the bore draw Argies vs Holland, I watched the corker that was Serbia/ Montenegro vs Ivory Coast. What a corker. I'm currently watching Ghana, and you have to say that they look a good team (I think them were psyched out against Italy.)

I bought an LCD TV. I'll tell you what it's like when I put it up. If anyone wants to buy a TV let me know. I have 3 different sizes available.

Why do people who smoke walk along wafting their smoke everywhere. Why don't they just smoke the damn thing. It's funny now that you wont be able to smoke in places where Non-smokers congregate!!!! Oh well.

There's the other instance where you are on a train or a bus when someone is eating some foul smelling piece of crap. Why .. why ... why????

Walking reading a newspaper, walking in a line of 3, really slowly ... I've said it before and I'll say it again ... get out of my way.

Oh I've also got a Mini Cooper 1.3i on offer. Anyone want a runaround?

My tune of the day: In My Heart - Kings Of Tomorrow


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