Friday, November 25, 2005

Hairy forlock ...

Mobile phones ... what did people do before they were small independent devices? Why are they the bain of ones life.

I've had a morning where I've stood in a shop waiting to pay, and had to stand there whilst the assistant f*cks around with their mobile. The shop was empty, I wanted to pay but we had an awkward 3 minutes whilst he sent a text. What's that all about ...???? The same thing happened in the Co-op the other night. I got to the front to the queue and the woman suddenly pulled out a mobile and began texting ... what is the world coming to?????

How cold is it where you are? PQ moaned that it was snowing where he was this morning. I think he may be in Afganistan though.

The thing I have realised that I like about this time of year is ... Eggnog.

My tune of the day: Love and Happiness - Monty Alexander


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