Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Those bleedin' Nigels ...

So there we have it Crystal Palarse are in the play off final. Great!!! Sunderland threw it away, they had the cat in the bag. Oh well, bang goes another night out ooop North. Put it this way, I knew PalARSE where gonna win it when the commentator mentioned that Sunderland had only previously lost one penalty shoot out, and we know when that was.

So P****R didn't make it into Svens squad. He's made the backup party tho'. Laugh, I nearly lost control of my bowels.

I received a £20 HMV voucher this morning. It was for an on-line questionaire I had filled out regarding the Metro newspaper. Great stuff eh, it took me 10 mins to fill out and I get £20. Now what CD do I want to buy ... oh decisions, decisions.

It's back up to Blackpool this Saturday on Giles stag doo. He did mention that we had access to Heaven and Hell. I would say that that is more like Hell in Blackpool. Apart from that it should be interesting.

I got my badges this morning. 150 of them. Keep your eyes peeled.

My tune of the day: Juicy Fruit - MTUME


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