Wednesday, January 28, 2004


It came through the post this morning. The Official 2004 Wonder Woman calendar. Blimey, how the mighty have fallen. Last year I had a Danni Minogue, the year before a Sarah Young. Bleedin' Wonder Woman ... I'll be getting a CAFC one next year ... NOT.

I also got Disco Spectrum 1, 2 and 3. Now if you like Disco music, and I mean proper Disco music, then these are a must. I have the damn things on vinyl, but hey this is the year 2004. I need them on CD, just for the car mind you.

Well no more news on the boy Parker, well I say get on with it. Bleedin hell.

It's going to snow tonight, so can I tell all the peeps to wrap up warm, have a hot cup of cocoa and remember to tune into that Celebrity shite stuff on TV. It rocks.

I've just been invited to a 25th birthday party. Three girls celebrating together, with there mates ... what a gwan I say, what a gwan :)

Mt tune of the day: Hot Disco Night - Sweet Potato


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