Friday, August 18, 2006

Nearly there ..

Well tomorrow is definately another day, as we head through the tunnel to Green Street and the 'Appy 'Ammers. It looks like Carlton and Marlon upfront for them and Jimmy and Dazza up front for us. Who would you want leading your line?

I'm actually looking forward to seeing Amady and Djimmi and I'm hoping that Darren Ambrose has a bit of a better first game of the season that last year.

Oh smudge has a new Charlton website out there in the mix. Go on take a look, you know yu want the Delboy wallpaper.

It was a journey to the Big Yellow in Tunbridge Wells yesterday. How the other half live!!!! Snail paced traffic through the tunnel, down the A2 and round the M25. How on earth people do this day in day out is beyond me. Good luck to them is what I say. But the Big Yellow is something else. It's a reminder to throw things away don't store them ... go on you know you want to.

Oh it's lucky England have won the series already. Pakistan are really giving it to them.

Did I say I'd sorted my new phone out. I'm actually quite taken by it ... once they port the number that is. Seven days, I ask you.

It's the final of Big Brother tonight. So I've booked a restaurant for 7:30, I will eat, drink and be merry. Oh and Nikki is being paid to "like" Pete. You heard it her viewers.

Now come on own up ... how many of you want to go and see Snakes on a Plane? It may look a tad, er shite ... but I think you're going to love it.

My tune of the day: Got To Have Your Love - Fantastic Four


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