Tuesday, January 15, 2008


So I'm reading the paper this morning, and there's a small piece about Dean Kiely warning Pards to ditch the mind games. All because Deano was forced to wear a grey shirt in the match at the Valley a week or so ago!!!!

Blimey, what a load of bollocks. KIELY MOVE ON.

I'm actually trying bit by bit to keep this going, but there are so many blogs/bloggers/ toerags and vagabonds out there that it's hard. There must be at least 5,654 Charlton blogs now, all saying the same same shite. Marks out of ten for Matty Holland, Pards is putting in a bid for Andy Gray, no not that one ... yadda, yadda. So what!!! Frankie Vallie bemoans that there was a minutes applause for Charlton people who had passed away, he couldn't give a flying by the sounds of it, and he's backed up by the blogger Drinking during the game, who by the name can't go an hour and a half stroke two hours without drinking, and maybe having a pie, a crepe or or fruit salad. It's two freaking hours ... sit your ass down.

Another thing, we were 4-1 up on Saturday, the board went up for 4 minutes additional time and half the ground got up to go. The Upper North started with "We can see you sneaking out" but it was more a route march than a sneak. Fuck me, give the boys a clap off ... the Generation Game has finished you know!!!!

My tune of the day: Mainline - Leroy Burgess


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