Friday, January 23, 2009

Saturday mornings ...

Well a quick plug here. I have been guesting on the MK Saturday Radio Show the last couple of months, and it may become regular over the coming months.

You can listen to the show on a Saturday morning between 0900 and 1100am through the Starpoint Radio website.

It's the best of Soul, Funk, Jazz and incorporates Mark Collison, Kunle Olafare, Trevor Soulflavas and myself.

Go on have a listen ...

MK Saturday Show

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's been a long time ...

Blimey ...

Happy New Year one and all ...

How's the saying go, the more things change the more they stay the same ...

Good bye Pardoo welcome Parkinson ...

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The most historic day in my life ...

As I sit here drinking yet another cup of tea, it's hard to believe what has actually happened.

Alan Pardew has actually found the balls and walked away from being "our" manager.

Yea right!!!!

It's the time of Change .... Obama is the man.

With a big props to Greg Palast I need to share this article below:

Vote for him because he is Black

No question, Mr. Bruce was my favorite teacher in junior high.

I went to this Loser-ville school in the San Fernando Valley. It was all Chicano kids and working class white losers like me. Everyone had to take 'metal shop' so we could work the bottom-end jobs in the Chevy plant.

My brain was dying - until Mr. Bruce showed up, the new science teacher. DOCTOR Bruce, actually - the only Ph.d teacher in the place.

At lunch hour, instead of hanging out in the teachers' lunchroom, Mr. Bruce would invite me and my friends into his classroom. Over coffee made on a Bunsen burner, he would talk about topics from Einstein to Buddha while munching on this strange stuff called "organic" food.

He was simply like no adult I'd ever met - an exceptional guy who could make us dull-brained students sizzle.
My parents had him over for Sunday brunch and he talked about his work as a 'honey-dipper' in the Deep South where he grew up. The honey-dipper was the guy who hunted for lost glasses and whatever else was dropped in outhouse cesspools. Dr. Bruce said he enjoyed the work because it taught him pleasures of quiet grace, of dignified acceptance.

The kids were crazy about him, but not all the parents. Some called to complain about the school hiring him.

So he left. Months later, Mr. Bruce mailed me a letter from Japan where he'd taken a university post.
It's odd, but it was only this year that I put it all together: his exclusion by the other teachers, his job as a honey-dipper, his need to escape America.

Dr. Bruce, of course, is Black.

So, I'm going to do something that Dr. Bruce would think little of. I'm going to vote for the Black man.

Because he's Black.

The truth is, I'm wary of Barack Obama. His cozy relations with the sub-prime loan sharks who funded his early campaign; his vote, at the behest of his big donor ADM corporation, for the horrific Bush energy bill.

But there's one thing that overshadows policy positions, one thing he cannot change once in office: the color of his skin. The same as Mr. Bruce's.

I'm going to say something that I know the Obama campaign will just hate; but that many others are feeling but won't say out loud. We must vote for Barack Obama because he's Black.

For four centuries, our nation has poisoned itself with the corrosive venom of racism. From the slave trade, to our still-segregated schools, to the Bush family stealing the White House by cynically, and sinfully, calling Florida Black voters felons; to the exile of a brilliant science teacher four decades ago.

The time has come to cleanse the wound that will not heal.

Well it is without doubt a historic day, and one in which I am proud.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

There's an awful lot of coffee in Brazil ...

It just dawned on me that I haven't drunk a coffee for a good few months now!!! I'm not sure why not, but I just haven't.

Should I go to Starbucks .... ? Not until they turn their freeking tap off.

I seem to be in a constant fight against Joe Public. People who eat shit smelling food on trains, who want to read a broadsheet on a packed tube, who cycle the wrong way down a one way street or cut across the pavement when I am walking, who rush to get off a tube then walk at snails pace up the stairs, who use those bags on wheels, who stink !!!!!!!!! I just seem to have had them all lately. Especially the smelly ones. Go to a dry cleaners, for fcuks sake.

I did a bit of refereeing on Saturday morning. It makes me laugh the amount of chat you get back. People kick the ball out then appeal for the throw, who lunge in and dispute a free kick, who stink ...!!!!

I can't believe it's October already. It's nearly Bonfire Night. Sod Halloween.

My tune of the day: He's the Greatest Dancer - Sister Sledge

Saturday, October 04, 2008


What a week that was ... traipsing over to Sellout to watch Alan Pardews 1970'S World Cup winner wannabees lie down and show no gritt. Anyway they aren't set up like that, so no problem there. Pards says we shouldn't have expected in ya face football, but what we got was can't be assed football. There's a difference ...

Could I find my football boots this morning? I'm refereeing this morning and am gonna have to wear flip-flops. Oh well, the Graham Poll look it is.

My tune of the day: Mind Power - James Brown

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Life ...

So you go through life, trying to be as nice as you can be ... and what happens ... some scrote (or two scrotes in this instance) nicks your car!!! Not only breaks into it, but more or less ruins the whole fn thing. Word from the insurance company says that it's a write off!!!!! Fuck you ...

Hold on .... I'm watching the Most Annoying Pop songs in history, and Gloria Gaynor, I will survive is at number 22!!!!

Anyway, yea some scrote nicked one of the cars. I don't really understand nicking cars, so fuck you.

I went to see Frankie and Maze on Friday. They were absolutely quality, and Frankie at 61 is the proper dogs. All I need now is the teeshirt, so a vintage 1984 Back in Stride tee is winging it's way from the US. eBAY ROCKS ...

Some scrote nicked my car!!!! Fuck you ...

Talking of concerts I'm off to se Stevie next Wednesday. I was reading some of the reviews of his earlier shows, and you have to laugh. One muppet said something along the lines off all Stevie does is sit behind a moog and play. What did you want him to do? Breakdance!!! Another idiot said they had spent the best part of an hour waiting for Stevie to play his hits!!! Idiot ...

My tune of the day: Rock Creek Park - The Blackbyrds

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Well the answer was No.

The Scottish tennis player didn't bring home the bacon.

My tune of the day: Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell

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